Salaams ladies it seems like forever since I’ve been on here sorry! Anyway today’s post is about how I started wearing hijab and my story, some of it is a little personal but hey I don’t mind sharing it with you guys. X
So, since I was younger I’ve always wanted to wear one but wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do it for my parents sake or with the full intention from my heart. I went through a phase wear I started wearing hijab at school (around year 9) and then I would keep taking it off and putting it back on. I knew this was wrong but something at that time was telling me it was fine: / a year and a half later I started wearing the abaya to school. I actually loved wearing both of them, it made so happy, I felt amazing and loved how it was showing modesty and I realised how everyone would treat me with the utter most respect. I loved how I was covered and wasn’t turning heads; I loved how it showed simplicity an all. But then sadly and unfortunately I took off the abaya and gradually I took my hijab off also. My mum had always told me it was up to me and if I did wear hijab it would benefit me. As I started college the first couple of months I was considering wearing the hijab again, I didn’t know if this is what I wanted and I didn’t know if I was going to do for this real. I didn’t want to keep taking it off and set myself as a bad role model to others.
After these couple of months, something (which I don’t know what) hit me hard. Hit me so hard that Alhamdulillah I didn't have to think twice about wearing hijab. I literally was sat in my room, on the floor looking else were. I remember getting up with so much excitement and happiness and ran down stairs. I told my mum I want to do this for real and with the correct intention. I told her I don’t want to do this for you but I want to do it Allah, S.W.T. I had so much enthusiasm in me and this time I knew this is what I wanted. I knew I had to make a couple of tweaks here and there but it was fine. Ever since those days I’ve know in my heart that Insha’Allah it will remain until time. and now, Alhamdulillah I absolutely love my hijab, I get so much compliments, so much respect, feel so much better about myself and all but not, it shows modesty. You just get that feeling of happiness in your heart and instantly it makes you someone completely different. But you get use to it: D >_<

Insha'Allah we all get given the hidaya to wear the beautiful hijab.
I Hope you enjoyed reading this and don't forget to check out my Facebook page.
Love, Your Hijabi